Hongcheng Precision Industry Co., Ltd. er einn af hinu virta framleiðendur, birgja og útflytjendur Saumavélarnál, með verksmiðju í Taiwan. Með margra ára reynslu í línu gera, við erum þekkt fyrir framúrskarandi árangur okkar í greininni. Við höfum hjálpað okkur eins og einn af leiðandi vörumerki í Taiwan. Við uppfæra stöðugt vörur okkar til að uppfylla alþjóðlega staðla. Við höldum hópur sérfræðinga, sem veitir um fæðingar tíma með mikilli quality.Our einlægni og vinnusemi hefur hjálpað okkur að passa gæði okkar með alþjóðlega staðla.


Established in 1985, Hongcheng Company is currently located in Changhua City, Taiwan with approximately 700 square meters of plant. The founder, Mr. Chiang Kun-Fu, has been mainly developing sewing machine parts manufacturing business since the beginning.

Hongcheng is currently designated as the supplier of thread cutters for major sewing machine manufacturers in Taiwan (Gold Wheel, ShingRay, Kingtex, etc.). Our products use the best material. The powerful customization capability plus high precision and ultra durability of the products have been the foundation on which Hongcheng was built in the industry. Aiming to grow together profitably and sustainably with customers, sub-contractors and employees, we insists on using the most advanced production equipment and state-of-the-art technology to continuously improve our products.

In recent years, we have cooperated with a large-scale garment production group in Sri Lanka to develop various sewing machine automation devices and ultra-short thread trimmer designs, which not only greatly improves the stability of the production line, but also helps operators save a lot of manpower and time. The feasibility and stability of various devices have passed Long-term testing with a large number of samples has won the favor of first-line operators in terms of functionality, durability and stability.

To this day, Hongcheng is still committed to the development of various new types of high-quality labor-saving and time-saving sewing machine automation devices.

Einlægni okkar og vinnusemi hafa hjálpað okkur að passa við gæði okkar


við alþjóðlega staðla. Samkvæmt mismunandi tegundir af kröfum framleiðslu, bjóðum við fullkomna þjónustu við þig.